
NANO-TERROR…It’s Real and Everywhere! - Dr. Ana Mihalcea exposes the fact that nano particles have shown up everywhere: in the unvaxxed, water, food, air, wild game, and most importantly human blood. This hard-hitting, information dense video proves in her live blood analyses how nanotechnology is not only present in human blood, but how it assembles… Continue Reading...
Testing Aerosolized Biological Weapons Dispersal in 1973 - Do yourself a favor; watch this and then share it, because this Is Extremely Serious. Although I do not have the exact source yet, his report was made no later than 1973, which marked the end of the F-100's service life with the US Army Air Corps. Transcript:  “At the… Continue Reading...
Dr. Robert Young: 26 Years Warning People about Electromagnetic Pollution and Cell Damage - Dr. Robert Young explains the what, when, where, and how electromagnetic pollution affects us all.  He reports that if a person is 'graphenated', the effects of being bombarded with 4 and 5G frequencies are  magnified.  Dr. Young points out that cell towers, our phones, cars, and all SMART technology that… Continue Reading...
Todd Callender on the Plandemic, Loss of Informed Consent, Shot Contents and Delivery Systems, Wireless Body Networks and More - This video is so dense with information, the only way to promote it is by using time stamps to indicate subjects. 2:40 The Constitutional Crisis at the Texas border is covered, with Texas exercising its legal authority to protect the border. At 13:13 Mr. Callender discusses the IRB's (International Review… Continue Reading...
Dr. Rashid A. Buttar Reports 5G Blasts will release Bioweapon in Vaxxed - Dr. Buttar warns that he has been informed by two credible sources that there are sleeper cells of horrendous diseases embedded in the nano particles of The Shot. This newly discovered component (2 years ago) bioweapon/payload is designed to cause massive death and chaos. It will be triggered by 3-ONE… Continue Reading...
“The Vaccine is Giving People a dose of Bioterrorism.” Dr. Peter Mucculough - Dr. Peter Muccullough in October, 2021 warns people not to take the vaccine. According to two independent reports analyzing VAERS data, "86% of the deaths have no other explanation. It was the vaccine." Using statistical evidence, charts, and intricate explanations, he explains the danger for those who have taken the… Continue Reading...
RICE UNIVERSITY DISCOVERS THE PROPERTIES OF GRAPHENE OXIDE - Gleeful scientists at Rice University proudly show their groundbreaking discoveries about graphene oxide as it self assemblies before their eyes, from tiny particles into long filament strands under an engineered procedure called Teslaphoresis. The video shows the capabilities and properties of this compound as discovered by the Rice team, who… Continue Reading...
Dr. Michael Yeadon Addresses Members of British Parliament - Every scientist who created THE SHOT knew they were creating a bio-weapon. Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex-Pfizer VP proves there was NO pandemic, only a well planned, well formulated SHOT that was hidden in lipo-nano particles so that the body’s innate ability to distinguish ‘self’ from ‘non-self’ was camouflaged.  The shot… Continue Reading...
Dr. David Martin interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich German Corona Investigative Interview English/German - SARS COV2 was NOT NOVEL; it was the ‘vector’ of choice for vaccine research since 1999. Dr. David Martin is asked hard-hitting questions by Dr. Fuellmich giving him the opportunity to fully explain the long history of research in spike protein vaccine research using the highly malleable coronavirus. He offers… Continue Reading...
Dr. David Martin September 13, 2023 European Parliament Strasbourg - The gloves are off! He’s done with being polite. Dr. David Martin’s expertise reveals the true nature of the WHO, its role in the plandemic, and its notorious, criminal history that has NEVER served the interest of the people, but rather has served its sponsors and business associates. 88% of… Continue Reading...