Hydra Vulgaris: What it looks like-What it Does

Dr. Carrie Madej shows what Hydra Vulgaris looks like to Stew Peters on his show. Additional videos with Dr. Christine Northrup and others are embedded which are all part of her discussion of the immortal organism, Hydra Vulgaris. She refers to UCDavis, the University of California at Davis, as the research center involved in the advanced Hydra Vulgaris 2.0 study. It’s all true! Check it out yourselves: https://www.ucdavis.edu/gcs/search?keys=hydra+vulgaris+2.0 Dr. Madej is one of the few medical medical researchers who is dedicated to informing the public about this immortal parasite in The Shot. This shocking research must be shared with all. No longer is transhumanism just speculation. Hail Hydra! IS REAL it’s not just a super villain in a Marvel Comic.