Hydra Vulgaris: What it looks like-What it Does - Dr. Carrie Madej shows what Hydra Vulgaris looks like to Stew Peters on his show. Additional videos with Dr. Christine Northrup and others are embedded which are all part of her discussion of the immortal organism, Hydra Vulgaris. She refers to UCDavis, the University of California at Davis, as the… Continue Reading...
Hydra Vulgaris: Immortal Parasite found in The Shot - Dr. Carrie Madej talks to a group of Spanish scientists about her findings in 'vaccine' samples, noting that not all samples contain the same elements. Like others she has found nanobots, graphene oxide, hydrogels, living organisms, and Hydra Vulgaris. Dr. Madej was one of the first researchers in August, 2021,… Continue Reading...