A Dense Exposure of Truth: Overwhelming, Shocking, ALL Interconnected

This multipart documentary lays out methodically, through indisputable documentation, the prediction of the ‘pandemic’ by three separate institutions as early as 2010. J.D. Rockefeller’s control over big oil, medical schools, big pharma, and media gave him immense power and control, only second to the arrival of Bill Gates. Areas exposed in the video are: Operation Mockingbird, Google Censorship, SARS CoV-2 manipulation and scam, and the murderous vaccine programs of the WHO with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Prof./Dr. Sucharet Bhakdi proves that the Covid vaccine was NOT needed, and what is done to the body when THE SHOT is taken. There is too much Truth to list, but this video will keep you spellbound and in a state of disbelief.